Kronos dio
A luminometer for real-time reporter assay with 8 dish incubator and multicolor measurement system
ExiProgen is a breakthrough in synthetic biology allowing for the synthesis and purification ...
Exicycler 96
Exicycler™ 96 Quantitative Real-Time PCR System
superior optics for true 5-color performanc...
ExiPrep™ 16 Plus
ExiPrep™ 16 Plus
Essential Reproducibility, Enhanced Reliability, Excellent Results
Tissue Homogenization Set
Tissue Homogenization Set is specially designed for easy, rapid, effective disruption and homogeniza...
Thermocycler T-CY
T-CY or EPS 600 CreaconT-CY
Creacon Technologies offers an easy to use, high specification Thermal ...
MultiGene™ II Personal Thermal Cycler
MultiGene™ II Personal Thermal Cycler Making advanced thermal cycling technology affordable